June 1st 2017 Dispatch #25
Day 207 Post-Ascendency of White Supremacy & Misogyny (PAWSM)
Day 132 Post-Installation of White-Supremacist-Misogynist-Pussy-Grabbing-Self-Aggrandizing-Demagogic-Bully-Illegitimate-PeeOTUS & his White-Nationalist-Fascistic-Christian-Supremacist-Quislings
I am THRILLED that HRC is grabbing her spot in the public debate. And I am SICK TO DEATH of Democrats who continue to assert that HRC lost the election because she didn’t address voters’ economic pain. The analysis is not whether the economic pain of white voters was ignored or disrespected; the question is why white voters would choose the candidate gleefully promoting bigotry, violence, hatred, misogyny, and xenophobia. Three factors contributed to the electoral college loss: White Supremacy, Misogyny, and Voter Suppression. At their peril, Democrats continue to lift up old white men, throw women under the bus, move to the center right, and ignore the toxic legacy of White Supremacy. www.theroot.com/the-gop-keeps-quietly-purging-black-voters-and-democrat-1795474628 www.thecrisismagazine.com/single-post/2017/04/17/Trump-and-Consequences
The priority on building a long-term movement is pivotal; we must all understand that the Illegitimate PeeeOTUS is only a figure-head for the White-Supremacists-Misogynists-Christian-Supremacists-Capitalists who currently hold so many positions of political power in America. www.theroot.com/stop-playing-impeachment-is-not-a-black-political-stra-1795357440
Despite the media’s fascination with the Illegitimate PeeeOTUS, his Quislings are busy installing and implementing White-Nationalist-Fascistic-Christian-Supremacist priorities.
More on Calling Out the Virulence of White Supremacy in America:
Listen up!! OUTRAGING and RESISTANCE is on the MOVE against the War on the Poor & Working Class!! In a Transcendent response, Reverend William Barber II announces that:
he will step down as president of the North Carolina NAACP and lead a new national initiative that aims to end poverty and begin what Barber calls “a national moral revival.” This new Poor People’s Campaign will pick up where the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. left off 50 years ago when he turned his focus to uniting poor people across lines of race and geography and pushing their priorities onto the federal agenda.
The campaign, which launches in partnership the Kairos Center at Union Theological Seminary in New York City, will bring together organizations with a longstanding commitment to confronting poverty and inequality—local and national groups such as Picture the Homeless in New York and the Michigan Welfare Rights Organization. Barber said a task force made up of poor people and economists, theologians, and other experts will in September release a report called “The Souls of Poor Folks” that will lay out the campaign’s agenda. www.thenation.com/article/rev-william-barber-is-bringing-mlks-poor-peoples-campaign-back-to-life/ www.yahoo.com/tv/barber-reignites-king-poor-people-105102934.html
Rev. Barber catalyzed the transformational Moral Mondays Campaign in North Carolina and brought delegates to their feet at the 2016 Democratic Convention. As Dani McClain writes in her above-referenced article in The Nation:
Barber knows the power of direct action, and he’s had success organizing across lines of race and party. Under his leadership, North Carolina’s NAACP has fostered the growth of five majority-white branches in the western, Appalachian and primarily Republican part of the state, field organizer Laurel Ashton said Monday. Barber had promised such changes to the organization when he successfully ran for president in 2006 with a promise to move the state conference “from banquets to battle.” During his tenure, these battles have included a campaign to organize black and Latino workers at a Smithfield Foods meat processing plant in Tar Heel, North Carolina, and a school-desegregation battle in Wake County
Barber roots his agitation in moral rather than political terms. Making health care accessible and affordable, addressing criminal justice disparities, protecting and expanding voting rights, creating good jobs — these are moral issues rather than fodder for partisan debate in his eyes. “This is not about left versus right,” he said Monday in Raleigh. “There are certain things that are not left, right, but they are the center of authentic moral values—like love, like justice, like mercy, like caring for the least of these.
“I’m worried by the way faith is cynically used by some to serve hate, fear, racism and greed,” he told the crowd [Monday]. Instead, it was the low-wage workers on the front lines of the Fight for $15 protests, those advocates fighting to preserve and expand quality public education, those confronting hypocrisy and discrimination who were, as he put it, “reviving the heart of our democracy…… This is a commencement of building a long-term movement to begin shifting our national moral narrative.”
To our enduring SHAME as the richest country in the world, we have consigned tens of millions of our country-people to endlessly difficult lives of poverty, insecurity, anguish, ill-health, disability, and quiet despair. And by the way, I am SICK to DEATH of the constant focus on middle class by Democrats, with working class lumped in as an afterthought, as if somehow these folks are similarly situated economically, and of course, poor people are NEVER mentioned.
OK, so what is the income of a poor person!? The 2017 US poverty guidelines stipulate that a family of four is poor as long as their annual income is at or below $24,600. For a single person, annual income at or below $12,060 means you are poor. Yeah, it is a rough tough and unforgiving road to be poor or working class in America.
In 2015, 25% of US households or 26 million households (2 or more income earners) had annual income below $25,000; 45% of US households had annual income below $50,000. About 11.6% or 12 million US households earn less than $15,000 annually. About 43 million people or 13.5% of population lived in poverty in 2015. US was listed as having one of the highest relative rates of child poverty in the developed world. www.statista.com/statistics/203183/percentage-distribution-of-household-income-in-the-us/
We must understand the War on the Poor & Working Class as the logical consequence of Early 21st Century Fascism in America. We must stand up against actions intended to discard certain classes of people and warn those remaining to trust no one and fight everyone for a place on a higher rung.
Trump’s proposed budget and the Republicans’ proposed health care bill will diminish the life chances, life opportunities and life spans of tens of millions of Americans. It has been estimated that the Republican plan to repeal Barack Obama’s Affordable Care Act would kill 43,000 people a year. Republican economic and social policies will also worsen the already extreme level of wealth and income inequality in the United States. This, too, will likely shorten life spans.
Moreover, the Republican war on the poor cannot be separated from the way poverty is racialized in the United States. As social scientists such as Martin Gilens have repeatedly shown, African-Americans and other people of color are stereotyped by the news media and (white) political elites as “welfare queens” or “lazy” and thus as taking resources away from “good,” “hardworking” white people.
Under the logic of neoliberalism (in which human worth is reduced to a person’s value in terms of economic activity), American conservatives deems the poor, the unemployed, the homeless, people on Social Security, those who need help from programs such as food stamps and ultimately anyone who is not “economically self-sufficient,” that is rich, to be expendable.
In the twilight of their democracy, the American people must now confront an existential question. What will they do when one of the United States’ two main parties has betrayed those values, and the president displays utter contempt for the standing norms and principles of democratic governance and civil society? www.salon.com/2017/03/20/donald-trumps-war-on-the-poor-has-historical-precedent-and-its-not-pretty/
Dr. King saw that poverty was not just another issue and that poor people were not a special interest group…..that poor people could become a powerful social and political force capable of changing the terms of how poverty is understood and dispelling the myths and stereotypes that uphold the mass complacency and leave the root causes of poverty intact. He described this force as a multi-racial “nonviolent army of the poor, a freedom church of the poor.” https://poorpeoplescampaign.org/poor-peoples-campaign-1968/